
Volume 37 (2025)


Professional Review and Commentary; 37(1):1–33; 2025 [ Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Upcoming Events
Forensic science in the US. III: Current issues facing forensic science laboratories
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US
Forensics unlocked: The research forensic library
New Books and Book Review
New Forensic Science Books
Book Review: Ethics and the Practice of Forensic Science
Book Review: Wigmore on Alcohol: Courtroom Alcohol Toxicology for the Medicolegal
Profession, 2nd ed
Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives
The Borkenstein Breathalyzer: Looking back to the beginning of evidentiary breath alcohol testing
Nicotine: The neglected forensic drug

Review Articles

Development and present status of impairement driving legislation in the United Kingdom; Jones AW(Sweden); 37(1):35–44; 2025. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Fingerprint in ancient China — A mini-review; Petrétei D (Hungary); 37(1): 45–50; 2025. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Forensic importance and advancement in microscopic examination of questioned documents; Gupta V, Aniket H, Shivangi, Saini K (India); 37(1):51–65; 2025. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 36 (2024)


Professional Review and Commentary; 36(1):1–39; 2024 [ Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Forensic Science in India
The role of forensic science in overturning wrongful convictions in Taiwan
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
Navigating common nonconformities in forensic testing and inspection accreditation
New Books and Book Review
New Forensic Science Books
Book Review: Death Investigation: A Field Guide, 2nd ed
Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives
Origin of the first handheld electronic breath alcohol analyzer incorporating an electrochemical sensor
Non-alcohol drugs and traffic safety

Review Articles

Current state of forensic science improvement in the United States: Lessons from wrongful convictions; Morgan JS (US); 36(1):41–54; 2024. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Lip Print Evidence: Poland as the last bastion of practical cheiloscopy; Kasprzak J (Poland), Fonseca GM (Chile); 36(1): 55–70; 2024. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary; 36(2):71–97; 2024 [ Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Forensic odontology in Latin America
Upcoming Events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
Oral Fluid — A new matrix for US Federal workplace drug testing programs
New Books and Book Review
New Forensic Science Books
Book Review: The Path of Flames: Understanding and Responding to Fatal Wildfires
Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives
A history of varbon monixide
Carbon monoxide: An ancient silent enemy

Review Articles

How ontologies have supported digital forensics: Review and recommendations; Silva TJ, OliveiraJr E, Zorzo AF (Brazil); Forensic Sci Rev 36(2):99–125; 2024. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Scotch whiskies and forensic examinations of manufacturing-derived features for their authenti- cation; Chang TC, Huang HW, Chang WT (Taiwan); Forensic Sci Rev 36:(2):127–142; 2024. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 35 (2023)


Professional Review and Commentary; 35(1):1–26; 2023 [ Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Forensic science in the US. II: Forensic pathology and the medical examiner/coroner systems
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
Digital (multimedia) evidence and computer forensics — A holistic view
New Books and Book Review
New Forensic Science Books
Book Review: Mildred Trotter and the Invisible Histories of Physical and Forensic Anthropology
Artificial intelligence: A prospective new tool for the planning and organization of investigations

Review Articles

Cannabidiol and Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol: Cannabinoids of rising interest and concern; White RM (US); 35(1):27–45; 2023. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
The current regulations in handling autopsy of COVID-19 corpses: A narrative review; Menezes RG, Bakhurji RS, AlGhuneem AA, AlAbdullah HA, Al-Saleh NI, Eskander MK (Saudi Arabia); 35(1):47–57; 2023. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary; 35(2):59–78; 2023 [ Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Exclusionary criteria for the authentication of fake Scotch Wiskies in Taiwan
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
Strengthening medicolegel death investigation in the US: Where are we now?
New Books and Book Review
New Forensic Science Books
Book Review: Cannabis is more like alcohol than a Schedule I drug
Cannabis is more like alcohol than a Schedule I drug

Review Articles

Analysis of drugs in wastewater: Forensic science perspective; Mwenesongole E (US); 35(2):79–105; 2023. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Systematic review on forensic carniofacial reconstruction. I. Facial soft-tissue thckness; Sehrawat JS, Ahlawat B (India); 35(2):107–136; 2023. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 34 (2022)


Professional Review and Commentary; Baylor MR, Ed (US); 34(1):1–19; 2022 [ Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol: Another cannabinoid of rising interest and concern
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
Practitioners' efforts
New Books and Book Review
Investigative genetic genealogy: An ethical and privacy
assessment framework tool is needed

Review Articles

Digital forensics experimentation: Analysis and recommen-dations; OliveiraJr E, Silva TJ, Zorzo AF (Brazil), Neu CV (UK); 34(1):21–41; 2022. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
The opioid crisis: Prevalence and markets of opioids; Gardner EA, McGrath SA (US), Dowling G (Ireland), Bai D (US); 34(1):43–70; 2022. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary; Baylor MR, Ed (US); 34(2):71–106; 2022. [ Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Forensic science in the US. I: Historical development and the forensic science labortory system
Femicide in Greece: A phenomenon on the rise
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
The practice of forensic nursing science in the US
Center for Statistics and Application in Forensic Evidence update
New Books and Book Review
Quality systems for forensic science — Fit for whose purpose?

Review Articles

Dental anomalies as identification strategies for unknown human remains: Literature review and application; Sehrawat JS, Ahlawat B (India); 34(2):107–129; 2022. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
How Nordic Countries enforce impaired driving legislation; Jones AW (Sweden); 34(2):131–143; 2022. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 33 (2021)


Professional Review and Commentary; Baylor MR (US), Ed; 33(1):1–36; 2021 [Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
The state of forensic science in Australia and New Zealand
Forensic science educational programs (VII) — Programs in Mexico and Canada
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
A landscape study of laboratory information management system for forensic laboratories The ups and downs of a blind quality program — HFSC's perspective
New Books and Book Review
Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives
Fingerprint by telegraph
Whither forensic science journals?

Review Articles

Forensic anthropology in investigations of crime against humanity: Global dimensions and the mid- 19th-century Ajnala (India) massacre; Sehrawat JS, Sankhyan D (India); 33(1):37–65; 2021. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Homicidal pesticide poisoning — An overview; Menezes RG (Saudi Arabia), Rizwan T, Khan A (Pakistan), Madadin M (Saudi Arabia), Usman MS (Pakistan); 33(1):67–88; 2021.[TOC•Abstract•Author]


rofessional Review and Commentary; Baylor MR, Ed (US); 33(2):79–115; 2021. [Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Forensic science in Canada
The forensic science system in Hungary
The forensic science system in Poland
Forensic science educational programs (VIII) — Programs in Australia and New Zealand
COVID-19 and early release of prisoners: Implication and future perspective
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
The role of forensic science standards
New Books and Book Review
Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives
The Bureau of Forensic Ballistics
Jurisprudence and ethical dilemmas on the autonomy of illicit substance user — A Greek perspective

Review Articles

Clinical and forensic toxicology of methanol; Jones AW (Sweden); 33(2):117–143; 2021. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Proteomics: A prospective new tool in forensic investigations; Kumar S (Saudi Arabia), Singh P (India); 33(2):145–150; 2021. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 32 (2020)


Professional Review and Commentary; Baylor MR (US), Ed; 32(1):1–21; Jan. 2020 [Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
Forensic science in the UK. Part III. ...
Mandatory breath alcohol screening in Canada ...
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
"An Update on Strengthening Forensic Science in the US ..." (meeting schedule)
New Books and Book Review
Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives
Alphonse Bertillon — ... the world's fi rst fi ngerprint murder case
Forensic science in the UK ...

Review Articles

Potential applications of nanopore sequencing for forensic analysis; Hall CL, Zascavage RR, Sedlazeck FJ, Planz JV (US); 32(1):23–54; 2020. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Vehicle safety features aimed at preventing alcohol-related crashes; Voas RB (US); 32(1):55–81; 2020. [TOC•Abstract•Author]

Professional Review and Commentary; Baylor MR (US), Ed; 32(2):83–103; July 2020 [Full Text]

Forensic Science Around the World
The practice of forensic science in Pakistan
Identifying migration fatalities along the Greek side of the Evros River
Forensic science educational programs (VI) — Programs in the US
Upcoming events
Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates
"An Update on Strengthening Forensic Science in the US ..." (meeting summary)
New Books and Book Review
Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives

The Yule Bomber
Decades of developments in forensic science

Review Articles

Forensic techniques for the isolation of spermatozoa from sexual assault samples — A review; Chapman BRB. Blackwell SJ, Müller LH (Australia); 32(2):105–116; 2020.[TOC•Abstract•Author]
Landmark publications on sudden infant death syndrome: A bibliometric analysis; Menezes RG (Saudi Arabia), Usman MS, Memon MM, Siddiqi TJ (Pakistan), Madadin M (Saudi Arabia); 32(2):117–127; 2020. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Forensic science educational programs (VI) — Programs in the US; Rarrick CA, Cetnarowski AM, Gardner EA (US); 32(2):87–88 & 129–154. [Introduction]


Volume 31 (2019)


(Guest Editors for 31(2): A. W. Jones and J. G. Mørland)

A Special Topic Issue on: Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 31(2):83–102; 2019

Forensic Science Around the World; Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates; New Books and Book Review; Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives; Commentary. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Driving under the infl uence of psychoactive substances — A historical review; Jones AW (Sweden), Mørland JG (Norway), Liu RH (US); 31(2):103–140; 2019. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Methodologies for establishing the relationship between alcohol/drug use and driving impairment — Diffrences between epidemiological, experimental, and real-case studies; Gjerde H (Norway), Ramaekers JG (The Netherlands), Mørland JG (Norway); 31(2):141–160; 2019. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Approaches for reducing alcohol-impaired driving: Evidence-based legislation, law enforcement strategies, sanctions, and alcohol-control policies; Fell JC (US); 31(2):161–184; 2019. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 31(1):1–22; 2019

Forensic Science Around the World; Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates; New Books and Book Review; Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives; Commentary. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Conium maculatum intoxication: Literature review and case report on hemlock poisoning; Karakasi M-V, Tologkos S, Papadatou V, Raikos N, Lambropoup M, Pavlidis P (Greece); 31(1):23–36; 2019. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Fire investigation: Historical perspective and recent developments; Lentini JJ (US); 31(1):37–44; 2019. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
The potential use of 2-aminothiazoline-4-carboxylic acid (ATCA) as a forensic marker for cyanide exposure in medicolegal death investigation: A review; Li SY, Petrikovics I, Yu J (CC) (US); 31(1):45–58; 2019. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Thirty-volume (1989–2018) indices; 31(1):59–82. [Full Text]


Volume 30 (2018)


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 30(2):77–110; 2018

Forensic Science Around the World; Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates; Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives; New Books and Book Review; Commentary. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Applications of Raman spectroscopy in forensic science. I: Principles, comparison to infrared; Suzuki EM, Buzzini P (US); 30(2):111–135; 2018. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Applications of Raman spectroscopy in forensic science. II: Analysis considerations, spectral interpretation, and examination of evidence; Suzuki EM, Buzzini P (US); 30(2):137–169; 2018. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 30(1):1–20; 2018

Forensic Science Around the World; Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates; Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives; New Books and Book Reviews. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Forensic face recognition as a means to determine strength of evidence: A survey; Zeinstra CG, Meuwly D, Ruifrok ACC, Veldhuis RNJ (The Netherlands); 30(1):21–32; 2018. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Forensic instability and poor recovery of cannabinoids in urine, oral fl uid, and hair; White RM (US); 30(1):33–49; 2018. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Toward a systematic classifi cation of textile damages; Schotman TG, Samlal-Soedhoe RS, van der Weerd J (The Netherlands); 30(1):51–75; 2018. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 29 (2017)


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 29(2):95–120; 2017

Forensic Science Around the World; Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates; Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives; New Books and Book Review. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Forensic individual age estimation with DVA: From initial approaches to methylation tests; Freire-Aradas A, Phillips C, Lareu MV (Spain); 29(2):121–144; 2017. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Social and ethical aspects of forensic genetics: A critical review; Williams R, Wienroth M (UK); 29(2):145–169; 2017. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 29(1):1–22; 2017

Forensic Science Around the World; Advancing the Practice of Forensic Science in the US — Updates; Teitelbaum's Column on Forensic Science — Historical Perspectives; New Books and Book Review. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Drugs in hair. Part I. Metabolisms of major drug classes; White RM (US); 29(1):23–55; 2017. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Forensic SNP genotyping with SNaPshot: Technical considerations for the development and optimization of multiplexed SNP assays; Fondevila M (Spain), Børsting C (Denmark), Phillips C, de la Puente M, Santos C (Spain), EUROFORGEN-NoE Consortium (EU), Carracedo Á, Morling N, Lareu MV (Spain); 29(1):57–76; 2017. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Greenish-blue gastric content: Literature review and case report on acute copper sulfate poisoning; Nastoulis E, Karakasi M-V, Couvaris CM, Kapetanakis S, Fiska A, Pavlidis P (Greece); 29(1):77–91; 2017. [TOC•Abstract•Author]



International trends in alcohol and drug use among motor vehicle drivers; Christophersen AS, Mørland J, Stewart K, Gjerde H [Forensic Sci Rev 28:37; 2016]; 29(1):93; 2017. [Full Text]
Methamphetamine — Eff ect on human performance and behavior; Logan BK [Forensic Sci Rev 14:133; 2002]; 29(1):94; 2017. [Full Text]


Volume 28 (2016)


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 28(2):67–77; 2016

Forensic Science Around the World; Profi les in Forensic Science (The National Commission on Forensic Science; R. A. Reiss (1875–1929) — An underrecognized pioneer in forensic science); Commentary/ Update (The Organization of Scientifi c Area Committees for Forensic Science news; Symposium showcases forensics at NIST); Upcoming Events; New Forensic Science Books/CD-ROMs; Book Review. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Driving under the infl uence of non-alcohol drugs — An update. Part II: Experimental studies; Strand MC, Gjerde H, Mørland J (Norway); 28(2):79–101; 2016. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Metabolism and toxicological analysis of synthetic cannabinoids in biological fl uids and tissues; Presley BC, Gurney SMR, Scott KS, Kacinko SL, Logan BK (US); 28(2):103–169; 2016. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 28(1):1–16

Forensic Science Around the World; Commentary/Update (Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science News; International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management — Detection, Measurement and Mitigation; 53rd International Annual Meeting of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists; The 2015 Impression, Pattern and Trace Evidence Symposium); Forensic Science Educational Programs — Asian Pacific Region; Upcoming Events; New Forensic Science Books/CD-ROMs; Book Reviews. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Chemical derivatization for forensic drug analysis by GC- and LC-MS; Lin D-L, Wang S-M, Wu C-H, Chen B-G (Taiwan), Liu RH (US); 28(1):17–35. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
International trends in alcohol and drug use among motor vehicle drivers; Christophersen AS, Mørland J (Norway), Stewart K (US), Gjerde H (Norway); 28(1):37–66. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 27 (2015)


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 27(2):69–87 & 147–163; 2015

Forensic Science Around the World; Commentary/Update (NIST Forensic Science Research Update; The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence — Recent and upcoming activies; 20th scientifi c meeting of the Society of Hair Testing); Forensic Science Educational Programs — United Kingdom and Ireland; Upcoming Events; New Forensic Science Books/CD-ROMs; Book Reviews; Appendix — TheNational Commission on Forensic Science and Organization for Scientifi c Area Committees. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Driving under the infl uence of non-alcohol drugs — An update. Part I: Epidemiological studies; Gjerde H, Strand MC, Mørland J (Norway); 27(2):89–113. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Metabolism and disposition of prescription opioids: A review; DePriest AZ, Puet BL, Holt AC, Roberts A, Cone EJ (US); 27(2):115–145. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 27(1):1–11; 2015

Forensic Science News; NIST Forensic Science Research Update; Forensic Science Educational Programs — North America; Upcoming Events; New Forensic Science Books; Book Review. [Full Text]


Review Articles

The genetics of skins, hair, and eye color variation and its relevance to forensic pigmentation predictive tests; Maroñas O, Söchtig J (Spain), Ruiz Y (Venezuela), Phillips C (Spain), Carracedo Á (Spain & Saudi Arabia), Lareu MV (Spain); 27(1):13–40; 2015. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
An improved forensic science information search; Teitelbaum J (US); 27(1):41–52; 2015. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
A review of forensic science management literature; Houck MM, McAndrew WP, Porter M, Davies B (US); 27(1):53–68; 2015. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 26 (2014)


(Guest Editor for 26(2): A. T. Tu)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic of Murder by Poisons


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 26(2):79–84; 2014

Forensic science news; commentary/update; upcoming events; new forensic science books; book review. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Toxins as weapons: A historical review; Pita R, Romero A (Spain); 26(2):85–96; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Acute and long-term impact of chemical weapons: Lessons from the Iran-Iraq war; Haines DD (Hungary), Fox SC (US); 26(2):97–114; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Aum Shinrikyo's chemical and biological weapons: More than sarin; Tu AT (US); 26(2):115–120; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Murder by poisons: Cases in Taiwan, 1999–2008; Shaw K-P, Chen H-T (Taiwan); 26(2):121–130; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Murder with radioactive polonium metal; Kato TA, Wozniak DE (US); 26(2):131–138; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Tetrodotoxin-mediated delay in aconitine toxicology: A murder in Okinawa; Ohno Y (Japan); 26(2):139–144; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Forensic analysis in the Wakayama arsenic case; Kimura Y (Japan); 26(2):145–152; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 26(1):1–8; 2014

Forensic science news; commentary; update; research; upcoming events; new forensic science books; book reviews. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Alcohol limits and public safety; Canfield DV, Dubowski KM, Cowan M, Harding PM (US); 26(1):9–22; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
On-site detection as a countermeasure to chemical warfare/terrorism; Seto Y (Japan); 26(1):23–51; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Pharmacology, toxicology, and adverse effects of synthetic cannabinoid drugs; Gurney SMR, Scott KS, Kacinko SL, Presley BC, Logan BK (US); 26(1):53–78; 2014. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


Volume 25 (2013)


Professional Review and Commentary — Baylor MR (US); 25(1&2):1–6; 2013

Best practices; commentary; emerging methods and technologies; upcoming events; book review. [Full Text]


Review Articles

Synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones: Prevalence and markets; Bretteville-Jensen AL, Tuv SS, Bilgrei OR, Fjeld B, Bachs L (Norway); 25(1&2):7–26; 2013. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Analysis of synthetic cannabinoids in botanical materials: A review of analytical methods and fi ndings; Presley BC, Jansen-Varnum SA, Logan BK (US); 25(1&2):27–46; 2013. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Forensic analysis of cathinones; Gautam L, Shanmuganathan A, Cole MD (UK); 25(1&2):47–64; 2013. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Matrix effects in the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method of analysis; Liu H-C, Lin D-L (Taiwan), McCurdy HH (US); 25(1&2):65–78; 2013. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Deep-sequencing technologies and potential applications in forensic DNA testing; Zascavage RR, Shewale SJ, Planz JV (US); 25(1&2):79–105; 2013. [TOC•Abstract•Author]
Inferential source attribution from dust: Review and analysis; Stoney DA, Bowen AM, Stoney PL (US); 25(1&2):107–142; 2013. [TOC•Abstract•Author]


25-Year index (1989–2013) — Content by issue; 25(1&2):143–147; 2013


Volume 24 (2012)


(Guest Editor: J. G. Shewale)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic of Advances in Genotyping Methods
for Forensic DNA Analysis — Part II

Principles, practice, and evolution of capillary electrophoresis as a tool for forensic DNA analysis; Shewale JG, Qi L, Calandro LM (US); 24(2):79–100; 2012. [Abstract]
Forensic mitochondria DNA analysis: Current practice and future potential; Melton T, Holland C, Molland M (US); 24(2):101–122; 2012. [Abstract]
Sample-to-result STR genotyping systems: Potential and status; Lousnbury JA, Bienvenue JM, Landers JP (US); 24(2):123–142; 2012. [Abstract]
Training of forensic DNA scientists — A commentary; Turnbough M, Eisenberg A, Schade L, Shewale JG (US); 24(2):143–150; 2012. [Abstract]


(Guest Editor: J. G. Shewale)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic of Advances in Genotyping Methods
for Forensic DNA Analysis — Part I

Next-generation STR genotyping kits for forensic applications; Mulero JJ, Hennessy LK (US); 24(1):1–13; 2012. [Abstract]
Biology and genetics of new autosomal STR loci useful for forensic DNA analysis; Butler JM, Hill CR (US); 24(1):15–26; 2012. [Abstract]
Hidden variation in microsatellite loci: Utility and implications for forensic DNA analysis; Planz JV, Hall TA (US); 24(1):27–42; 2012. [Abstract]
Applications of autosomal SNPs and Indels in forensic analysis; Phillips C (Spain); 24(1):43–62; 2012. [Abstract]
Additional Y-STRs in forensics: Why, which, and when; Ballantyne KN (Australia), Kayser M (The Netherlands); 24(1):63–78; 2012. [Abstract]


Volume 23 (2011)


Biomarkers for the identification of alcohol use/abuse: A critical review; Bortolotti F, Tagliaro F (Italy); 23(2):55–72; 2011. [Abstract]
The illegal use of synthetic pharmaceuticals in herbal formulations: An overview of adulteration practices and analytical investigations; de Carvalho LM, Moreira AP, Martini M, Falcoã T (Brazil); 23(2):73–89; 2011. [Abstract]
Pharmacokinetics of ethanol — Issues of forensic importance; Jones AW (Sweden); 23(2):91–136; 2011. [Abstract]


A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic on Forensic Science in Support ofWildlife Conservation Efforts — Global Trends and the Taiwan Experience

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) — 35 years of global efforts to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants is legal and sustainable; Wijnstekers W (France); 23(1):1–8; 2011. [Abstract]
Forensic science in support of wildlife conservation efforts — Genetic approaches (global trends); Linacre A (Australia); 23(1):9–18; 2011. [Abstract]
Forensic science in support of wildlife conservation efforts — Developments in genetic approaches in Taiwan; Hsieh H-M, Tsai L-C, Lee JC-I (Taiwan); 23(1):19–27; 2011. [Abstract]
Forensic science in support of wildlife conservation efforts — Morphological and chemical approaches (global trends); Bell LS (Canada); 23(1):29–35; 2011. [Abstract]
Forensic science in support of wildlife conservation efforts — Developments in morphological and chemical approaches in Taiwan; Chang H-C, Chen T-H, Lin D-L (Taiwan); 23(1):37–54; 2011. [Abstract]


Volume 22 (2010)


(Guest Editor: J. G. Shewale)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic on Assessment and Preparation of
Biological Specimens for DNA Analysis

Forensic DNA evidence collection at a crime scene: An investigator's commentary; Blozis J (US); 22(2):121–130; 2010. [Abstract]
Optimizing storage and handling of DNA extracts; Lee SB, Crouse CA, Kline MC (US); 22(2):131–144; 2010. [Abstract]
RNA profiling for the identification of the tissue origin of dried stains in forensic biology; Hanson EK, Ballantyne J (US); 22(2):145–157; 2010. [Abstract]
Extraction of DNA from forensic biological samples for genotyping; Stray JE, Liu JY, Brevnov MG, Shewale JG (US); 22(2):159–175; 2010. [Abstract]
Extraction of DNA from human remains; Stray JE, Shewale JG (US); 22(2):177–185; 2010. [Abstract]
DNA extraction on microfluidic devices; Bienvenue JM, Landers JP (US); 22(2):187–197; 2010. [Abstract]
Assessment of DNA extracted from forensic samples prior to genotyping; Barbisin M, Shewale JG (US); 22(2):199–214; 2010. [Abstract]


(Guest Editors: M. A. LeBeau and M. A. Montgomery)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic on Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault

Challenges of drug-facilitated sexual assault; LeBeau MA, Montgomery MA (US); 22(1):1–6; 2010. [Abstract]
The frequency of drug-facilitated sexual assault investigations; LeBeau MA, Montgomery MA (US); 22(1):7–14; 2010. [Abstract]
The use of alcohol to facilitate sexual assault; Kerrigan S (US) 22(1):15–32; 2010. [Abstract]
The use of benzodiazepines to facilitate sexual assault; Montgomery MA (US); 22(1):33–40; 2010. [Abstract]
The Use of GHB and Analogs to Facilitate Sexual Assault; Marinetti L, LeBeau MA (US); 22(1):41–59; 2010. [Abstract]
The use of "Z-drugs" to facilitate sexual assault; Stockham TL, Rohrig TP (US); 22(1):61–73; 2010. [Abstract]
The Use of over-the-counter medications to facilitate sexual assault; Jenkins AJ, Stillwell ME (US); 22(1):75–82; 2010. [Abstract]
The use of miscellaneous prescription medications to facilitate sexual assault; Couper F J, Saady JJ (US); 22(1):83–112; 2010. [Abstract]
Laboratory management of drug-facilitated sexual assault cases; LeBeau MA (US); 22(1):113–119; 2010. [Abstract]


Volume 21 (2009)


(Guest Editors: H. Miller Coyle and J. C.-I Lee)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic on Identification of Non-Human Spceimens

Canine DNA profiling in forensic casework: the tail wagging the dog; Berger C, Berger B, Parson W (Austria); 21(1):1–13; 2009. [Abstract]
Forensic botany: evidence and analysis; Coyle HM (US); 21(1):15–24; 2009. [Abstract]
Mass spectrometry in microbial forensics; Ho YP, Reddy PM, Chen CT, Lo AAL (Taiwan); 21(1):25–50; 2009. [Abstract]

Mass spectra and cross-contribution of ion intensity between drug analytes and their isotopically labeled analogs — Benzodiazepines and their derivatives; Wang S-M, Chen B-G, Wu M-Y, Liu RH (Taiwan), Lewis RJ, Ritter DV, Canfield DV (US); 21(2):69–144); 2009. [Abstract]


Volume 20 (2008)


A brief history of the Indiana University Center for Studies of Law in Action and the Robert F. Borkenstein course on alcohol and highway safety; Dubowski KM (US); 20(1):1–17; 2008. [Abstract]
Certification programs for criminalists — Historical development; Barnett PD (US); 20(1):19–43; 2008. [Abstract]
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of opioids, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, amphetamines, and cocaine in biological and other specimens; McCurdy HH, Morrison AM, Holt LA (US); 20(1):45–73; 2008. [Abstract]

Mass spectra and cross-contributions of ion intensity between the analytes and their isotopically labeled analogs — Common opioids and their derivatives; Chen BG, Wu MY, Liu RH, Wang SM (Taiwan), Lewis RJ, Ritter RM, Canfield DV (US); 20(2):75–173; 2008. [Abstract]


Volume 19 (2007)


(Guest Editor: M. R. Baylor)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic on Urine Specimen Validity Testing

Specimen adulteration and substitution in workplace drug testing; Crumpton SD, Sutheimer CA (US); 19(1/2):1–27; 2007. [Abstract]
Specimen validity testing (SVT) — Effects of oxidizing agents on drugs in urine and procedures for detection; Paul BD, Dunkley CS (US); 19(1/2):29–47; 2007. [Abstract]


(Guest Editor: J. M. Mitchell)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic on Hair Drug Testing

A decade revisited — Forensic and clinical applications of hair testing; Ropero-Miller JD (US); 19(1/2):49–67; 2007. [Abstract]
Hair testing for drugs — Challenges for interpretation; Stout PR (US); 19(1/2):69–84; 2007. [Abstract]
Legal review for testing of drugs in hair; Chamberlain RT (US); 19(1/2):85–94; 2007. [Abstract]


Volume 18 (2006)


Application of mitochondrial DNA technologies in wildlife investigations — Species identification; Linacre A (UK); 18(1):1–8; 2006. [Abstract]
Correlation of drug-testing results — Immunoassay versus gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; Huang MH, Liu RH, Chen YL (Taiwan), Rhodes SL (US); 18(1):9–41; 2006. [Abstract]
Disease-induced anomalous human microsatellite DNA — Implications in forensic DNA typing; Pai CY (Taiwan); 18(1):43–58; 2006. [Abstract]
The “Starch Wars” and the early history of DNA profiling; Aronson JD (US); 18(1):59–72; 2006. [Abstract]


(Guest Editor: M. M. Houck)

Advances in the forensic analysis of glass fragments with a focus on refractive index and elemental analysis; Almirall JR, Trejos T (US); 18(2):73–96; 2006. [Abstract]
Current trends in forensic paint examination; Ryland SG, Jergovich TA (US), Kirkbride KP (Australia); 18(2):97–117; 2006. [Abstract]
Particle analysis in forensic science; Bisbing RE, Schneck WM (US); 18(2):119–144; 2006. [Abstract]


Volume 17 (2005)


(Guest Editor: M. M. Houck)

An argument for light microscopy — A review of forensic microscopy for trace evidence analysis; Houck MM , Bowen RB (US); 17(1):1–15; 2005. [Abstract]
Examination, analysis, and application of hair in forensic science — Animal hair; Tridico S (Australia); 17(1):17–28; 2005. [Abstract]
Forensic fiber examination and analysis; Houck MM (US); 17(1):29–49; 2005. [Abstract]
Forensic human hair examination and comparison in the 21st century; Houck MM, Bisbing RE (US); 17(1):51–66; 2005. [Abstract]


Mass spectrometric data of commonly abused amphetamines and their derivatives — Cross contributions of ion intensity between the analytes and their isotopically labeled analogs; Wang SM, Chye SM, Liu RH (Taiwan), Lewis RJ, Canfield DV, Roberts J (US); 17(2):67–166; 2005. [Abstract]


Volume 16 (2004)


(Guest Editor: A. R. Isenberg)

A Special Issue Devoted to the Topic on Forensic Application of Mitochondrial Deoxyribonucleic Acid (mtDNA)

Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy; Melton T (US); 16(1): 1–20; 2004. [Abstract]
Single nucleotide polymorphisms and microarray technology in forensic genetics — Development and application to mitochondrial DNA; Budowle B, Planz JV, Campbell RS, Eisenberg AJ (US); 16(1):21–36; 2004. [Abstract]
Phylogenetics and mitochondrial DNA; Wilson MR, Allard MW (US); 16(1):37–62; 2004. [Abstract]
Naming the dead — Confronting the realities of the rapid identification of degraded skeletal remains; Edson SM, Ross JP, Coble MD, Parsons TJ, Barritt SM (US); 16(1):63–90; 2004. [Abstract]


Common legal challenges and responses in forensic breath alcohol determination; Gullberg RG (US); 16(2):91–101; 2004. [Abstract]
Conventional and novel methods for facial-image identification; Yoshino M (Japan); 16(2):103–114; 2004. [Abstract]
Mechamisms of drug deposition in hair and issues for hair testing; Ruth JA, Stout PR (US); 16(2):115–133; 2004. [Abstract]
Objective diagnosis of drowning by the “Diatom Test” — A critical review; Bortolotti F, Tagliaro F, Manetto G (Italy); 16(2):135–148; 2004. [Abstract]


Volume 15 (2003)


(Guest Editors: L. J. Farrell and B. K. Logan)

The Effects of Drugs on Human Performance and Behavior (Part Ⅱ)

Carisoprodol — Effects on human performance and behavior; Robertson MD (Australia), Marinetti LJ (US); 15(1):1–9; 2003. [Abstract]
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine — Effects on human performance and behavior; Logan BK, Couper FJ (US); 15(1):11–28; 2003. [Abstract]
Opioids — Effects on human performance and behavior; Stout PR, Farrell LJ (US); 15(1):29–59; 2003. [Abstract]
Phencyclidine — Effects on human performance and behavior; Mozayani A (US); 15(1):61–74; 2003. [Abstract]


(Guest Editors: S. K. Sinha with the assistance of
L. Gusmao, P. de Knijff and S. G. Shewale)

In Support of the Workshop on Y–Chromosome Analysis and Its Application in Forensic Science Organized for the EuropeanAcademy of Forensic Science Third Triennial Meeting (September 2003; Istanbul, Turkey) 

The human Y-chromosome — Introduction of genetics and applications; Kayser M (Germany); 15(2):77–89; 2003. [Abstract]
Recent developments in Y-short tandem repeat and Y-single nucleotide polymorphism analysis; Butler JM (US); 15(2):91–111; 2003. [Abstract]
Y-Short tandem repeat multiples system — Y-PLEX™ 6 and Y-PLEX™ 5; Shewale JG, Sinha SK (US); 15(2):115–136; 2003. [Abstract]
Strategies for the design and assessment of Y-short tandem repeat multiplexes for forensic use; Hall A, Ballantyne J (US); 15(2):137–149; 2003. [Abstract]
Utility of Y-chromosome short tandem repeat haplotypes in forensic applications; Budowle B, Sinha SK, Lee HS, Chakraborty R (US); 15(2):153–164; 2003. [Abstract]
The Y-short tandem repeat haplotype reference database (YHRD) and male population stratification in Europe — Impact on forensic genetics; Roewer L (US); 15(2):165–172; 2003. [Abstract]
Population database and mutation study for short tandem repeat loci on Y-chromosome (Y-STRs) in Japanese populations; Yamamoto T (Japan); 15(2):173–180; 2003. [Abstract]
Forensic casework using Y-chromosome short tandem repeats; Sinha SK (US); 15(2):181–182; 2003. [Abstract]
Forensic applications of Y-short tandem repaets; Lessig R (Germany); 15(2):183–190; 2003. [Abstract]
Advantages and disadvantages of Y-short tandem repeats testing in forensic casework; Prinz M (US); 15(2):191–198; 2003. [Abstract]
Forensic casework applications using Y-PLEX™ 6 and YPLEX ™ 5 systems; Sinha SK (US); 15(2):199–203; 2003. [Abstract]

Volume 14 (2002)


(Guest Editors: L. J. Farrell and B. K. Logan)

In Commemoration of the Activities of The Joint Society of Forensic Toxicologists, Inc. and AmericanAcademy of Forensic Sciences Drugs and Driving Committee — The Effects of Drugs on Human Performance and Behavior (PartⅠ)

Benzodiazepines — Effects on human performance and behavior; Drummer OH (Australia); 14(1/2):1–14; 2002. [Abstract]
Cannabis (Marijuana) — Effects on human performance and behavior ; Huestis MA (US); 14(1/2):15–60; 2002. [Abstract]
Cocaine — Effects on human performance and behavior; Isenschmid DS (US); 14(1/2):61–100; 2002. [Abstract]
γ-Hydrobutyrate — Effects on human performance and behavior; Couper FJ, Marinetti LJ (US); 14(1/2):101–121; 2002. [Abstract]
Ketamine — Effects on human performance and behavior; Mozayani A (US); 14(1/2):123–131; 2002. [Abstract]
Methamphetamine — Effects on human performance and behavior; Logan BK (US); 14(1/2):133–151; 2002. [Abstract]


Volume 13 (2001)


Cannabis sativa L. — Botanical problems and molecular approaches in forensic investigations; Siniscalco Gigliano G (Italy); 13(1):1–17; 2001. [Abstract]
Forensic analysis of explosives by LC/MS; Yinon J (US); 13(1): 19–28; 2001. [Abstract]
Silver physical developers for the visualization of latent prints on paper; Cantu AA (US); 13(1):29–64; 2001. [Abstract]
Statistical considerations for readers and authors of the forensic science literature; Gullberg RG (US); 13(1):65–76; 2001. [Abstract]


Enforcement of zero tolerance in the state of Washington — Evidence from breath-test records; Blackman K, Voas RB, Gullberg RG, Tippetts S (US); 13(2):77–86; 2001. [Abstract]
Handwriting evidence in federal courts — From Frye to Kumho; Zlotnick J, Lin JR (US); 13(2):87–99; 2001. [Abstract]
Postmortem drug redistribution; Barnhart FE, Bonnell HJ, Rossum KM (US); 13(2):101–129; 2001. [Abstract]
Somatic and germline mutation of forensic DNA markers; Yang CH (Taiwan), Staropoli T (US); 13(2):131–152; 2001. [Abstract]


Volume 12 (2000)


(Guest Editors: I-A. Low, Y.-S. Giang and T.-L. Kuo)

Proceedings of The Robert F. Borkenstein International Symposium on Alcohol and Forensic Science — The Influence of Alcohol and Drugs on Transportation Safety (Taipei, Taiwan; December 1–2, 1999)

Professor Robert F. Borkenstein — An appreciation of his life and work; Lucas DM (Canada); 12(1/2):1–21; 2000. [Abstract]
Medicolegal alcohol determinations — Blood- or breath-alcohol concentrations? Jones AW (Sweden); 12(1/2):23–47; 2000. [Abstract]
Methodology and quality assurance in forensic breath alcohol analysis; Gullberg RG (US); 12(1/2):49–68; 2000. [Abstract]
The role of forensic psychiatry in substance abuse — Practice and research in Taiwan; Chen CC, Kuo TL (Taiwan); 12(1/2):69–77; 2000. [Abstract]
Driving under the influence of non-alcohol drugs; Mørland J (Norway); 12(1/2):79–105; 2000. [Abstract]
Epidemiology of alcohol-related accidents and the Grand Rapids study; Waller PF (US); 12(1/2):107–118; 2000. [Abstract]
Countermeasures for reducing alcohol-related crashes; Voas RB (US); 12(1/2):119–132; 2000. [Abstract]
Objective diagnosis of chronic alcohol abuse — Determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) with capillary electrophoresis; Tagliaro F, Bortolotti F, Crivellente F, Cittadini F (Italy); 12(1/2):133–149; 2000. [Abstract]
Measuring alcohol in blood and breath for forensic purposes — A historical review; Jones AW (Sweden); 12(1/2):151–182; 2000. [Abstract]


Volume 11 (1999)


Analysis of drugs of abuse in saliva; Samyn N, Verstraete A, van Haeren C (Belgium), Kintz P (France); 11(1):1–19; 1999. [Abstract]
Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis — Validation and use for forensic casework; Holland MM, Parsons TJ (US); 11(1):21–50; 1999. [Abstract]
Progress in facial reconstruction technology; Miyasaka S (Japan); 11(1):51–90; 1999. [Abstract]


Chemical profiling of illicit heroin samples; Besacier F, Chaudron-Thozet H (France); 11(2):105–119; 1999. [Abstract]
Coming of age: The American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the forensic science profession — 1948 to 1998; Field KS (US), Lucas DM (Canada); 11(2):121–140; 1999. [Abstract]
Contemporary sample preparation methdos for the detection of ignitable liquids in suspect arson cases; Bertsch W, Ren Q (US); 11(2):141–156; 1999. [Abstract]
LSD — An overview on drug action and detection; Paul BD, Smith ML (US); 11(2):157–174; 1999. [Abstract]


Volume 10 (1998)


Cocaine base identification and quantification; Elsherbini SH (US); 10(1):1–12; 1998. [Abstract]
Cocaine profiling methodology — Recent advances; Moore JM, Casale JF (US); 10(1):13–46; 1998. [Abstract]
Integrity of urine specimens for toxicologic analysis — Adulteration, mechanisms of action, and laboratory detection; Wu AHB (US); 10(1):47–65; 1998. [Abstract]


Chinese herbal medicines — Manufacturing flaws and misuse; Fraser DB (US), Wen KC (Taiwan); 10(2):67–80; 1998. [Abstract]
Illegal and therapeutic drug concentrations in hair segments — A timetable of drug exposure? Pragst F, Rothe M, Spiegel K, Sporkert F (Germany); 10(2):81–111; 1998. [Abstract]
Occluded solvent analysis as a basis for heroin and cocaine sample differentiation; Cole MD (UK); 10(2):113–120; 1998. [Abstract]


Volume 9 (1997)


Analysis of accelerants in fire debris — Data interpretation; Bertsch W (US); 9(1):1–22; 1997. [Abstract]
Testing for drugs of abuse in hair — Experimental observations and indications for future research; Rollins DE, Wilkins DG, Gygi SP, Slawson MH, Nagasawa PR (US); 9(1):23–36; 1997. [Abstract]
Visual color comparisons in forensic science; Thornton JI (US); 9(1):37–57; 1997. [Abstract]


Commonly practiced quality control and quality assurance procedures for gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis in forensic urine drug-testing laboratories; Goldberger BA, Huestis MA, Wilkins DG (US); 9(2):59-80; 1997. [Abstract]
Evidential value of textile fiber — Transfer and persistence of fibers; Siegel JA (US); 9(2):81–96; 1997. [Abstract]
Forensic science and the Internet — Current utilization and future potential; Chamakura RP (US); 9(2):97–122; 1997. [Abstract]
Methods for the analysis of human bite marks; Naru AS (UK); 9(2):123–139; 1997. [Abstract]


Volume 8 (1996)


Applications of fluorescence spectroscopy to forensic science; Siegel JA (US); 8(1):1–11; 1996. [Abstract]
Measuring alcohol in blood and breath for forensic purposes — A historical review; Jones AW (Sweden); 8(1):13–44; 1996. [Abstract]
Modern approaches for the examination of toolmarks and other surface marks; Katterwe H (Germany); 8(1):45–72; 1996. [Abstract]


The detection and species identification of blood — A bibliography of relevant papers from 1980 to 1995; Tumosa CS (US); 8(2):73–90; 1996. [Abstract]
HPLC analysis of enantiomeric composition of abused drugs; Sellers J, Duffitt GL, Gaines ML, Liu RH (US); 8(2):91–109; 1996. [Abstract]
Preparation of hair samples for drug analysis; Chiarotti M, Strano-Rossi S (Italy); 8(2):111–128; 1996. [Abstract]


Volume 7 (1995)


Determination of race from the skeleton through forensic anthropological methods; Church MS (US); 7(1):1–39; 1995. [Abstract]
Medical review officer interpretation of urine drug test results; Green KB, Isenschmid DS (US); 7(1):41–60; 1995. [Abstract]


Criminalistics education and the role of the criminalistics educator; Lindquist CA (US); 7(2):61–75; 1995. [Abstract]
Detection and characterization of cocaine and related tropane alkaloids in coca leaf, cocaine, and biological specimens; Moore JM, Casale JF, Fodor G, Jones AB (US); 7(2):77–101; 1995. [Abstract]
Drugs of abuse in meconium; Moore C, Negrusz A (US); 7(2):103–118; 1995. [Abstract]
Forensic investigation of soil and vegetable materials; Demmelmeyer H, Adam J (Germany); 7(2):119–142; 1995. [Abstract]


Volume 6 (1994)


Bufotenine — A hallucinogen in ancient snuff powders of South America and a drug of abuse on the streets of New York City; Chamakura RP (US); 6(1):1–18; 1994. [Abstract]
Comparison of common immunoassay kits for effective application in workplace drug urinalysis; Liu RH (US); 6(1):19–57; 1994. [Abstract]
Fibers and forensic science — New ideas, developments, and techniques; Grieve MC (Germany); 6(1):59–80; 1994. [Abstract]


Issues pertaining to monitoring the abuse of amphetamines in workplace drug testing; Cody JT (US); 6(2):81–96; 1994. [Abstract]
The scientific examination of Chinese handwritings; Leung SC (Hong Kong); 6(2):97–145; 1994. [Abstract]


Volume 5 (1993)


Application of serological and DNA methods for the identification of urine specimen donors; Holland MM, Roy R, Fraser MD, Liu RH (US); 5(1):1–14; 1993. [Abstract]
Genetic polymorphisms of human parotid saliva and their application to forensic science; Tsuchida S, Ikemoto S (Japan); 5(1):15–34; 1993. [Abstract]
A historical review of the characterization of blood and secretion stains in the forensic science laboratory — Part one: bloodstains; Whitehead PH (UK); 5(1):35–51; 1993. [Abstract]
Urinary metabolites of anabolic steroids; Chan SC (Canada), Holan SL (New Zealand); 5(1):53–66; 1993. [Abstract]


Enzymic digestion of biological specimens for drug analysis; McCurdy HH (US); 5(2):67–79; 1993. [Abstract]
Estimation of postmortem interval using arthropod development and successional patterns; Goff ML (US); 5(2):81–94; 1993. [Abstract]
Illicit production of cocaine; Casale JF, Klein RFX (US); 5(2):95–107; 1993. [Abstract]
Metabolic precursors to amphetamine and methamphetamine; Cody JT (US); 5(2):109–127; 1993. [Abstract]
Sex origin determination of body fluid and stain; Mashali AA (Egypt); 5(2):129–138; 1993. [Abstract]


Volume 4 (1992)


Application of pyrolysis gas chromatography in forensic science; Blackledge RD (US); 4(1):1–16; 1992. [Abstract]
Development in the detection and identification of explosive residues; Beveridge AD (Canada); 4(1):17–49; 1992. [Abstract]
Important considerations in the interpretation of forensic urine drug test results; Liu RH (US); 4(1):51–65; 1992. [Abstract]
Recovery and stability of DNA in samples of forensic science significance; Kobilinsky L (US); 4(1):67–87; 1992. [Abstract]


Analysis of drugs in unconventional samples; Inoue T, Seta S (Japan); 4(2):89–107; 1992. [Abstract]
The current legal status of drug testing and its implications; Orvis GP (US); 4(2):109–124; 1992. [Abstract]
Development and current status of skull-image superimposition — Methodology and instrumentation; Lan Y (China); 4(2):125–136; 1992. [Abstract]
Impurities in illicit drug preparations — 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)amphetamine and 3,4-(methylenedioxy)methylamphetamine; Verweij AMA (The Netherlands); 4(2):137–146; 1992. [Abstract]
Solid phase extraction for systematic toxicological analysis; Chen X-H, Franke J-P, de Zeeuw RA (The Netherlands); 4(2):147–159; 1992. [Abstract]


Volume 3 (1991)


Determination of drugs of abuse and their stereoisomers by circular dichroism; Purdie N (US); 3(1):1–16; 1991. [Abstract]
Forensic identification of explosives by mass spectrometry and allied techniques; Yinon J (Israel); 3(1):17–27; 1991. [Abstract]
A historical and comparative review of the reception of forensic medical and scientific evidence under different systems of law; Havard JDJ (UK); 3(1):29–40; 1991. [Abstract]
The interaction of ethanol with drugs; Havier RG (US); 3(1):41–56; 1991. [Abstract]
Methods of fire debris preparation for detection of accelerants; Caddy B (UK), Smith FP, Macy J (US); 3(1):57–69; 1991. [Abstract]


Chromatographic analysis of inks for forensic science applications; Tebbet IR (US); 3(2):71–82; 1991. [Abstract]
Detection of fingerprints on skin; Allman DS, Pounds CA (UK); 3(2):83–89; 1991. [Abstract]
Forensic analysis of lubricants; Hirz R (Austria); 3(2):91–99; 1991. [Abstract]
Sample differentiation: cocaine examples; Baugh LD, Liu RH (US); 3(2):101–115; 1991. [Abstract]
Solid phase extraction of abused drugs from urine; Platoff GE Jr, Gere JA (US); 3(2):117–133; 1991. [Abstract]


Volume 2 (1990)


Analysis and differentiation of photocopy toners; Totty RN (UK); 2(1):1–23; 1990. [Abstract]
Hair protein polymorphism and its application to forensic science hair comparison; Miyake B, Seta S (Japan); 2(1):25–36; 1990. [Abstract]
Methods for the determination of shooting distance; Lichtenberg W (Germany); 2(1):37–62; 1990. [Abstract]
Specimen adulteration in drug urinalysis; Cody JT (US); 2(1):63–75; 1990. [Abstract]


The application of chemical derivatization in forensic drug chemistry for gas and high-performance liquid chromatographic methods of analysis; Moore JM (US); 2(2):79–124; 1990. [Abstract]
Genetic markers in human bone tissue; Gaensslen RE, Lee HC (US); 2(2):125–146; 1990. [Abstract]
Stability of drugs of abuse in biological specimens; Levine B, Smith ML (US); 2(2):147–157; 1990. [Abstract]


Volume 1 (1989)


Impurities in illicit drug preparations — Amphetamine and methamphetamine; Verweij AMA (The Netherlands); 1(1): 1–11; 1989. [Abstract]
Morphine and codeine in biological fluids: approaches to source differentiation; ElSohly MA, Jones AB (US); 1(1):13–22; 1989. [Abstract]
Personal identification of the human skull: superimposition and radiographic techniques; Yoshino M, Seta S (Japan); 1(1):23–42; 1989. [Abstract]
Pretreatment of latent prints for laser development; Menzel ER (US); 1(1):43–66; 1989. [Abstract]
The use of lectins in forensic science; Tumosa CS (US); 1(1):67– 84; 1989. [Abstract]


Document examination — Applications of image processing systems; Kopainsky B (Germany); 1(2):85–101; 1989. [Abstract]
Forensic science applications of ion mobility spectrometry; Karpas Z (Israel); 1(2):103–119; 1989. [Abstract]
Urinary excretion of commonly abused drugs following unconventional means of administration; Cone EJ, Huestis MA (US); 1(2):121–139; 1989. [Abstract]
The use of microspectrophotometry in the examination of paints; Cousins DR (UK); 1(2):141–162; 1989. [Abstract]
